DASNR Human Resources

Extension Educator Duties

Cooperative Extension Educators are professional employees of Oklahoma State University.  They provide educational programs in agriculture, family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, and community and rural development. 




Job duties for an Oklahoma Cooperative Extension professional include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Assess county needs
  • Prepare and deliver specific programs to the public
  • Use a variety of educational methods to deliver programs
  • Provide educational leadership for adult and youth programs
  • Evaluate program effectiveness
  • Recruit, train, and develop lay leaders
  • Respond to client requests for specific information and
    technical assistance
  • Coordinate 4-H activities
  • Develop and maintain public relations
  • Perform administrative functions
  • Pursue a professional development plan

New technologies, changing cultural and economic conditions, and increasing environmental concerns all provide on-going learning experiences for Extension Educators, as they seek to provide the most up-to-date information to clientele.

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